
How Heroic Language Works: An example at Wikipedia on "Isabella I of Castile"

In the original (prior to writing this post) introductory paragraph (seen below) about Isabella I of Castille there is no mention of the colonization, genocide and slavery, which came as a direct result of their adventures and conquests.  Isabella  who was the chief sponsor of Christopher Columbus, is framed as a heroic benefactor to Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and the Americas - and as a "Servant of God" by the Catholic Church  As a frequent contributor to Wikipedia, I did a minor, but important edit, also seen below.  Bold font at the end of each paragraph reflects the original and edited portion of heroic language in the article, which was updated to more accurately reflect historical truth. Screenshots follow text: Isabella I (Spanish: Isabel I de Castilla, Old Spanish: Ysabel I; 22 April 1451 – 26 November 1504) was Queen of Castile. She was married to Ferdinand II of Aragon. Their marriage became the basis for the political unification of Spain under t...


The Art of Oppression: Colonization and the Language of Heroes is a forthcoming book by Max Eternity, which assembles an original collection of historical essays that closely examines how heroic language has been used to successfully propagate psychological and spiritual terror, as well as mass genocide, and a transcontinental theft of land and natural resources by Euro-Americans over the last 500 years.

Book Summary:

Written as a collection of essays approximately 1500 words each, The Art of Oppression: Colonization and the Language of Heroes , brings together a concise historical narrative surveying the colonial identities and motivations of key individuals, their enablers and accomplices, who demolished and reorganized Africa and America from the late 1400’s to the mid-1900’s, and how after World War II the same ideologies of colonization were reborn into a new and more sophisticated mechanism, implemented as policed domestic control and militaristic global control, or neocolonization, and observed in numerous ways from the 1950’s and since, including Senator Joseph McCarthy’s  House Committee on Un-American Activities, J. Edgar Hoover and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s war on communism, which enjoined the (COINTELPRO) war on the African-American civil rights movement and the war on [homosexuals] the LGBTI movement, as well as the subsequent War on Drugs and War on Terror—and how it al...